Where the Support for Eldercare is Still in Its Infancy
In times of regional and job-specific skills shortage, being a family-friendly employer can help attract talented employees. In the past years, exemplary policies for parents of young children have been introduced, such as parental leave options or company-owned day-care facilities. Despite the trend of an aging population that is fuelled by the large babyboomer generation, care needs of elderly family members have been neglected in work-related policies. At present, the rising demand for eldercare in Germany is mainly met by (female) family members of working age in an informal way. In times of high female employment and later retirement, the share of employees with eldercare responsibilities has increased and is expected to rise further. This thesis investigates the current situation of working informal caregivers in Germany. Different approaches to support working informal caregivers are explored that help create a ‘shared value’ for society and the economy.