The Chief Philosophy Officer. A Holistic Approach to Social and Digital Responsibility
Corporate responsibility has evolved over the past decades from a discipline mainly discussed in academia to a substantial factor implemented in corporate strategy. While traditional corporate responsibility has become increasingly successful in the fields of economic, ecologic, and social responsibility, it has reached its limit in the new field of digital responsibility. Simultaneously, trust has more and more become one of the main factors determining the success of a company. To investigate how the challenges of corporate social and digital responsibility can be tackled efficiently, this thesis introduces key points of corporate social and digital responsibility and elaborates how analytic and ethical thinking, both combined within philosophy, can offer solution approaches. Based on an evaluation of Hambrick and Mason’s upper echelon theory and the quantitative analysis on the impact of characteristics of CSR C-level executives on financial performance of Wiengarten et. al., this thesis offers a concept of a Chief Philosophy Officer and the potential responsibilities, skills and characteristics.